How to use AI translation tools: A practical guide for professional translators

AI translation tools



Professional translators prioritize accuracy and efficiency when translating texts from a variety of disciplines. AI translation tools are playing an important role in helping them achieve these goals. Bering Lab has developed an AI translation engine specialized in the legal and patent fields based on domain expertise and excellent business experience, and has gained attention at home and abroad. We recognize the challenges of inefficient legal translation processes and place a core value on solving them.

Bering Lab’s AI translation technology improves the quality of output, maximizes work efficiency, and allows legal professionals to focus on their core business. In this guide, we’ll explore the proper use of AI translation tools and how professional translators can make the most of them to improve translation quality.

Understanding AI translation tools

The basics of AI translation: AI translation is based on natural language processing (NLP) techniques and utilizes machine learning and big data to continuously improve the accuracy of translations. AI analyzes vast amounts of data to learn linguistic patterns, which results in more accurate and natural translations.

Leading AI translation tools: There are a variety of AI translation tools, including Bering AI, Google Translate, DeepL, and Papago, each with their own algorithms and characteristics. For example, DeepL is strong in contextual understanding and natural sentence construction, while Bering AI is highly accurate with an engine that specializes in translating legal documents.

Tips for translators

Utilize preliminary translations: Use AI translation tools to generate preliminary translations, then use your expertise and experience to correct and refine them. This way, you get the speed and consistency of AI translation, but with the careful proofreading of human translators, resulting in high-quality translations.

Build a terminology database: Alongside AI translation tools, we build and utilize a database of specialized terminology to ensure consistent terminology. Especially in legal, patent, and business fields, accurate terminology is critical, so preparing a glossary before translation is essential.

Quality control: Continuously monitor translation quality and incorporate feedback on the AI tool’s translation results to help AI models learn. Regular quality reviews and feedback can help you incrementally improve the quality of your AI translations.

Choice of AI tools: Select AI translation tools that match the nature and requirements of the documents to be translated. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of each tool and apply them in context. For example, for translating legal documents, choose Bering AI to ensure high quality results with a translation engine specialized for legal documents

Advantages and limitations of AI translation tools

Advantages: Fast translation speeds, the ability to handle large volumes of documents, and support for multiple languages are the main advantages of AI translation. AI tools are especially useful for urgent translation tasks or translating large documents, and can dramatically reduce the amount of time human translators spend manually translating.

Limitations: They don’t yet have the same nuance and contextual understanding as human translators. AI translation tools may have limitations when it comes to translating complex sentence structures or cultural differences, which is why official, legally binding documents such as contracts should always be proofread and edited by a human translator.

Use cases for the Bering AI translation engine

Bering AI is being used effectively in a variety of fields, including legal documents, patent documents, technical documents, and more. In the case of legal documents, it has been used to translate a variety of documents, including contracts, legal documents, and judgments, with high accuracy and consistency. Bering Lab improves the quality of translations by accurately understanding and reflecting legal terminology and document styles, and enables lawyers to trust the translated documents.

AI translation tools are powerful tools that support the work of professional translators and increase their efficiency. However, human proofreading and editing based on specialized knowledge and experience is essential for proper utilization of the tool. Especially for highly accurate translations, such as legal documents, AI translation tools can help, but the final review should always be done by a human translator.

Bering AI is an AI translator that specializes in legal translation, providing accurate and consistent translations of legal documents such as contracts, judgments, and patent documents. To compensate for the limitations of machine translation, we also offer Bering AI+, a service that combines AI translation with human review to provide higher quality translations.

Are you spending a lot of time translating large volumes of documents? Try Bering AI for Legal for free today and experience the power of Bering AI to reduce translation time and minimize human errors. We’ve helped more than 130 clients increase their satisfaction and proven its value in both domestic and global markets. If you want to improve the translation quality of your legal documents, try Bering Lab’s Bering AI Translator and Bering AI+ service today. Get more accurate and reliable translations with expert supervision!

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