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Legal Patent Document

Made Easy.

Work smarter with award-winning BeringAI for legal translation

Trusted by law firms and legal departments

legal translation

Built for legal translation. Solving real-world problems.

Domain Specialization

Our domain-specific approach produces better quality and can be trained quicker than general engines built of large language models.

Golden Data

Our Legal Translation datasets are of the highest quality (aka Golden Data) because its curated, trained and maintained teams of lawyer-translators

Context Awareness

Our context-aware legal translation models allow for improved quality and fluency in the context of the entire document

Translate contracts and patents faster.

3x your translation productivity with highly accurate AI legal translations.

법률 번역

Legal translation

Supports all legal documents including contracts, depositions, and filings.

Transparent pricing

Pay only for the number of words you need translated.

Maximum data security

Your data is always encrypted and all text and files are deleted immediately after legal translation.

Translate whole documents with one click.

Eliminate time wasted on reformatting documents using BeringAI's file translation option.
Supports Microsoft Word (.docx), Adobe PDF (.pdf) and simple text (.txt) files.

법률 번역

Supported languages

Multilingual support for Korean, Chinese, Spanish, Indonesian, and more.

Supported file formats

Supports Microsoft Word (.docx), Adobe PDF (.pdf) and simple text (.txt) files. More file options including PowerPoint (.pptx) coming soon.

Preserve formatting

All fonts, images, and formatting of the original document are maintained for ease of comparison and consistency.

법률 번역

Supported languages

Multilingual support for Korean, Chinese, Spanish, Indonesian, and more.

Supported file formats

Supports Microsoft Word (.docx), Adobe PDF (.pdf) and simple text (.txt) files. More file options including PowerPoint (.pptx) coming soon.

Preserve formatting

All fonts, images, and formatting of the original document are maintained for ease of comparison and consistency.

Post-editing by
qualified lawyers

When you need near-perfect levels of quality, our network of 1000+ linguists will perform comprehensive review at 40% less cost and in half the time as traditional agencies.

Instant quotation

Upload your files for an instant quotation and start projects no matter what the time.

Progress tracker

Keep track of the progress of your patent and legal translation projects all in one platform.

Certifications available
upon request

We guarantee the quality and accuracy of our legal translations through certificaitons, notarizations, and affidavits.

Post-editing by qualified lawyers

When you need near-perfect levels of quality, our network of 1000+ linguists will perform comprehensive review at 40% less cost and in half the time as traditional agencies.

법률 번역

Instant quotation

Upload your files for an instant quotation and start projects no matter what the time.

Progress tracker

Keep track of the progress of your projects all in one platform.

Certifications available
upon request

We guarantee the quality and accuracy of our legal translations through certificaitons, notarizations, and affidavits.

BeringAI API

Integrate our award-winning AI for legal translation directly into your own products.

Enterprise Plans

Get optimized features tailored to your team, including custom engine training and deployment.

legal translation
legal translation

Award-winning AI Technology

Our technology has performed well in leading machine translation competitions globally

legal translation


World Machine Translation Competition

Word-Level Post-Editing Task

legal translation

WAT 2021

Workshop on Asian Translation Competition

4 out of 6 Patent Tasks

Investors who share our vision

NAVER legal translation
SNU legal translation
TIPS legal translation