How to Start Translation and Notarization of Court Judgments Most Efficiently

Today, let’s dive into a topic that’s becoming increasingly crucial in the business world: translating court judgments. With globalization, there are now many cases where judgments from domestic courts need to be translated into English. In international business disputes or legal matters involving foreign partners, judgment translations have become essential. However, translating court judgments can […]

Free PDF Translation Sites Compared and Reviewed

Have you ever received an important document in PDF format? PDFs are now essential for documents like contracts, academic papers, and technical reports. But what if these PDF files are in English or another foreign language? Let’s start by understanding what a PDF is. PDF stands for Portable Document Format, a document format developed by […]

Essential Guide to Reviewing English Contracts for Global Business

Hello from Bering Lab! These days, it’s common to see companies of all sizes expanding beyond Korea and entering the global market. It’s impressive and makes us proud to see such progress. However, with global expansion comes a critical requirement: reviewing English contracts. Do you think it’s just about translating Korean contracts into English? It’s […]

The 3 Key Steps of Translation Projects: Understanding the TEP Process

Today, let’s explore the core of translation projects—the “TEP Process.” Wondering what TEP stands for? It’s short for “Translation-Editing-Proofreading,” the three essential steps in a translation project. In simple terms, these stages ensure the quality and accuracy of your translation. Why is the TEP process important? Translation isn’t just about changing words from one language […]

[베링AI] 경우와 같이 VS [경쟁사] 때와 같이 the case if 올바른 특허 번역은?

[베링AI] therefore VS [경쟁사] so that ‘~하므로’ 올바른 한영 번역은? [출처] [베링AI] therefore VS [경쟁사] so that ‘~하므로’ 올바른 한영 번역은?

안녕하세요, 베링랩의 정확한 번역과 경쟁사의 잘못된 번역 비교를 통해 번역 팁을 얻어 갈 수 있는 비교 시리즈 3탄입니다.​ 특허는 발명자의 권리를 보호하는 법적 문서입니다. 잘못된 번역은 특허의 보호 범위를 축소하거나 확대할 수 있어, 법적 분쟁의 소지가 될 수 있습니다. 그래서 무엇보다 정확한 번역이 중요합니다. ​ 특허 번역에서 발생할 수 있는 문제점은 무엇일까요? 대표적인 문제는 문장 […]

🇯🇵 Essential Business Japanese: From Basics to Contract Writing Tips

Today, we’re going to talk about Business Japanese, which is becoming increasingly important in global business settings. How does business Japanese differ from casual Japanese? Unlike everyday conversations, business Japanese uses more formal and specialized terms. For example, while “meeting” in casual Japanese may be referred to as “ミーティング (meeting),” in business contexts, it’s referred […]

Expert Tips on Patent Translation: Configured to or Adapted to?

Patent Translation: Configured to or Adapted to?

Today, we will discuss the frequently encountered phrase ‘configured to’ in patent translations. Patent translation, especially the translation of claims, is critical as it defines the scope of an invention’s rights. Therefore, it requires utmost attention and precision. In many Korean patent specifications, you may often come across the expression ‘…하도록 구성된’, which means that […]

[베링AI] 경우와 같이 VS [경쟁사] 때와 같이 the case if 올바른 특허 번역은?

오늘은 베링랩의 정확한 번역과 경쟁사의 잘못된 번역 예시를 비교를 통해 번역 팁을 얻어 갈 수 있는 비교 시리즈 2탄입니다. 저번에 이어서 특허 명세서 번역에 대해 좀 더 알아보겠습니다. ​ 특허 명세서 번역은 왜 중요할까요? 특허는 발명자의 권리를 보호하는 법적 문서입니다. 미국 특허법에 따르면, 유효한 특허를 얻기 위해서는 발명의 완전하고 명확한 명세서를 제출해야 해요. 이 명세서는 […]